Friday, March 22, 2013

Spring in the kitchen

I know for most the 3rd day of Spring on our calendars is in reality winter behaving like a guest that refuses to leave!

I hear people talking about cleaning windows, spring cleaning, and eager to open up windows to let fresh air in to "air out" winter. One of the over looked projects is to clean your refrigerator and freezer.

Here are some quick cleaning tips for your fridge - try to do one a night while you are waiting for a part if dinner to be ready.

1. Go through and check the expiration date on ALL condiments and dressings. If they are still "ok". Take a clean paper title and quickly wipe off the spout or area under a cap before returning it to its place.

2. Pull out a refrigerator shelves and spray a disinfectant on them to ensure they are clean before putting then back in

3. Remember FIFO?? First In - First Out. Create a clean refrigerator where you pull items that where there first forward and when you come home from the grocery store you place newly bought food BEHIND this already in place food. This ensures you'll use food before it goes bad or gets forgotten!!

4. While your in there don't forget to look at efficiency - can you rearrange shelves to empower a growing child to get their own healthy snack? We recently did a 180 in our refrigerator and now my 7 and 9 year old can get a glass of milk solo!!

5. Repeat these steps with the freezer. Don't forget that bacteria doesn't due in the freezer it just hibernates - you must take care when preparing it?!

I would LOVE to show you how amazing 3 pieces of Tupperware are for reorganizing your refrigerator. EMAIL ME AT

Not only can we get your refrigerator a proud appliance to have others peek into but I can share with you how to do it for FREE!!

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